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Are Smartphones Ruining Your Relationship?

Smartphones and Tablets are becoming an epidemic in romantic relationships and marriages. Put down the darn phone! It is ruining your relationship. Only 40% of marriages last these days and dating has changed drastically with all the apps out there.

You Do Not Need Your Smartphone In Puerto Rico

Living on the Island of Puerto Rico helped me detox from my obsession with my smartphone and social media. I found myself in the middle of two major hurricanes and was left without any form of communication for weeks. If I survived without Wifi and cell service, anyone can.

No Phones At Dinner Please!

Please, No Phones at Dinner It is a very common scene nowadays to be out at any restaurant and see tables of families and friends starring at there phones. I have seen parents with smartphones glued to their hands while the kids are occupied by an I pad.

The Harmful Effects That Screen Time Has On Babies.

In today’s world Mothers are turning to technology to soothe their babies, distract, and entertain them. Unfortunately, the quick fix of screen time is harming the development of babies brains and other cognitive functions, especially before the age of two. Screens are bad for babies.

What Did Life Look Like Before The Internet?

It is hard to imagine what life was like before television, Wifi, and smartphones. Most Millenials cannot even imagine a day without social media or the internet. What would the world look like without cell phone towers and people hunched over starring at devices?