Humans With Superpowers
Humans with superpowers are real and not celebrated enough. Our favorite is Kevin Richardson, the lion whisperer who connects with animals in ways that you could never imagine. The most mind-blowing of all superpowers is the power of levitating.
What Your Phone Knows About You
What we need to determine is whether the ease of life is worth the cybersecurity risk that we’re taking. It is a personal headache for anyone who uses the internet, and that’s everyone.
Net Neutrality
As helpful as the world wide web may seem, it is causing tremendous difficulties in peoples lives including internet and social media addiction. Repeal of net neutrality is terrible news for all users. It will create discrimination. That will lead to global regression.
The Risk Of GMO Mosquitos, Animals And Humans
GMO mosquitos created havoc transferring the ZIKA virus because of a mess in the gene modification. GMOs inherently leads to changing what is naturally present. GMO animals and humans are unnatural and unethical.
Social Media, Are You Addicted?
Social media addiction is a curse. Constantly, seeking validation from likes and follows is unhealthy. Deal with social media addiction before it sucks you in and ultimately dehumanizes you. Read more for some helpful tips.