Put Down The Smartphone And Give Attention To Your Kid!
It is disturbing to know that a lot of parents are absent-mindedly ignoring their children because they are too distracted by their smartphones.
Children learn most things by observing their parents.
Selfies, Narcissism, And Mental Illness
The word “Selfies” has become a regular household term used amongst millennial’s and adults. The word Selfie was first used in 2013 by an Australian man after taking a drunken self-portrait on his 21st Birthday. The man who invented the word SELFIES
Media Giants Admit To Brainwashing The Masses
Facebook and other social media executives admit to destroying society by making their sites and apps addictive. Each like or follower you receive is a mini achievement award which validates how great you are. Each award triggers a dopamine fix to your brain leaving you craving for more.
RFID Human Microchip Implants Becoming Mainstream
We are officially living in a science fiction movie. People are lining up to get RFID microchip implants. These rice size microchips are implanted into your hand and use “RFID” technology to start your car, pay for your groceries, travel, open doors, etc.
Cell Phones Increase Cancer Risk By 40%
It’s old news, but if you don’t know yet, cell phones cause cancer. Cell phones have been around since 1973 and Smartphones (dumbphones) since 1992. Have people forgotten about the electromagnetic radiation that emits from these little handheld computers?